Dear Parents and Friends of St Mary’s,
The Colour Fun Run was a huge success last Friday, with the staff and Grade 6 students initially put through their paces, sliding through slime, eating donuts from a piece of string hands-free and eating ice cream out of a bowl with hands behind our backs. The Grade 6 students won the challenge efficiently due to my lack of coordination and letting the staff down by running last. (Mind you, I didn’t cheat!)
The event continued with the whole school enjoying being sprayed with water and showered with colour and slime. Thank you to our parents who volunteered to assist and coordinate this fantastic event.
Today, we came together as a school community to farewell Fr Antony, who will be leaving St Mary’s Parish to take up the role of Parish Priest in Cranbourne. Each class made a beautiful card, and we surprised Fr with a party. Thank you to those families who generously provided party food.
Please ensure all swimming notes are returned by tomorrow, Friday, 24th November, as we begin our Swimming Program on Monday, November 27th.