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Dear Parents,
On Sunday we started the church season of Advent. Advent is a time of preparation, extending over the four Sundays before Christmas. The word Advent means “to come to,” and refers to the coming of Christ. Advent and preparing for the birth of Jesus is a significant time in the Catholic church’s year. In our Senior Learning Space, the students have been creating Advent Kindness Calendars. These calendars require them to do something kind for someone else each day, which will help them prepare for Christmas.
Parent/Teacher Interviews
Last week we had a very successful parent/teacher interview afternoon. Due to COVID, these were a little bit different to normal, however everything appeared to go extremely well. Thank you to all those that were involved, these interviews support your child’s learning and develop positive home and school relationships.
Last Day of school for 2020
The last day for students for the 2020 school year will be on Thursday, 17th December. Students will finish at 3:15pm on this day. It had previously been advertised that the students last day would be on the Friday, however this is incorrect. I apologise if this causes any inconvenience.
Planning for 2021
Planning is still underway for 2021. I understand that it is getting very late in the year and that you are eagerly awaiting news of class structures and teachers for next year, however I want to ensure that we have the best possible set-up for all students, families and staff. A letter for all families regarding 2021 will be sent out to all families as soon as a final decision has been made. I thank you for your understanding and patience with this.
End of Year Mass/Grade 6 Graduation
Due to an easing of COVID restrictions, our Grade 6 Graduation Mass will now also be an end of year mass for all students. The mass will be held in the church on Thursday, 10th December at 9:30am. Parents are invited to attend, however you must remember to wear a mask inside the church, unless further restrictions are announced.
Grade 6 Graduation Ceremony
A letter has gone home today to all our Grade 6 families regarding the Graduation Ceremony. Thankfully, our Grade 6 parents are now able to attend and celebrate this significant milestone with their child. The Graduation Ceremony will be held in the Mary MacKillop Hall at 11:30am on Thursday, 10th December, and we look forward to celebrating and farewelling our amazing Grade 6 students.
School Colour Run
The St Mary’s School Colour Run is on TOMORROW. The kids are all so excited for this event. Unfortunately, we are unable to have parents onsite, however you may be able to get a great view of the event from outside the school. Students are to wear a pair of running shorts/board shorts with a white (or light coloured) t-shirt. Throughout the Colour Run, the students may get wet and covered in coloured chalk, so students are encouraged to bring a towel and a full change of clothes. This is to avoid your child going home wet or getting coloured chalk in your car or on the school bus. As you are aware, this is a fundraising event for our school, however there is no pressure on families to donate large amounts of money. Every little donation helps, so ask your close friends and family if they can help out. As mentioned in the letter that went out earlier, fundraising can only be done through cash donations or bank transfer and not online. All funds raised need to be brought to school by Wednesday, 9th December.
Kind regards,
Alfie The Elf
This week we had Alfie arrive at St Mary’s. Alfie is one of Santa’s elves and he has been sent to bring Christmas cheer to our school. So far, Alfie has been a very well behaved little elf and we hope that this continues!
Friday 4th December -Fun Friday Colour Run
Thursday 10th December - End of Year Mass for the whole school at 9.30am at St Mary's Church. All family members are invited to attend.
Year 6 Graduation Ceremony in the Mary MacKillop Hall 11.30am - 12.30pm. All Year 6 families invited to join in the celebration.
Graduation Lunch for Year 6 students only at St Mary's School.
Friday 11th December- Year 6 Graduation Fun Day.
Thursday 17th December - Last Day of Term 4, 3.15pm finish. Please note this is a different date to previous newsletters.
Wednesday 27th January - Uniform shop open 9.00am - 3.30pm
Thursday 28th January - First day for students for 2021. Students are to wear their summer uniform on the first day of school.
Wednesday 3rd, 10th, 17th & 24th February - Foundation students rest days
Wednesday 3rd March - Foundation students rest day
Monday 8th - Thursday 11th February - Swimming program at the Yarram Pool. Students will swim every day for an hour. Seniors at 9.30am - 10.30 am and Juniors 10.30am - 11.30am. More information will be sent home at the start of Term 1.
We are no longer using SkoolBag App. All school information, updates and news will be on our new SZapp only.
Please go to our website
click onto Get Our School App and follow the Installing Szapp Instructions.
- Download the SZapp App from the the App Store
- Click on Australia
- Type in Yarram and St Mary's will come up
- Enter a password and confirm
- Entre Code 2485
- A casual change of clothes (including underwear, socks and shoes) to travel home in. This is a must for bus students.
- A plastic bag for wet clothes.
- A drink bottle.
- a towel to dry off with.
- Sunscreen and a hat.
Christmas Raffle 2020.
Thank you to everyone for the fantastic donations and for returning your bought tickets.
There is still time for donations of goods and to purchase tickets.
Tickets are $1.00 each with booklets of $20.
We ask that all tickets, sold or unsold be returned to the school by Friday 4th December.
The raffle will be drawn on Tuesday 8th December during the day.
Thank you for your support!

Thank you to Sharon Garland for coordinating the Book Club this year and for all the support from families. St Mary's was able to purchase some wonderful books for our library.
School fees are important for the school to meet its financial commitments. School fees are set annually in consultation with the School Board and Parish Administrator. Families who experience difficulty in paying school fees please do not hesitate to make contact with the Principal or Administration Officer to make alternative arrangements.
All fees and levies for the entire school year will be invoiced in February. Fees are to be paid in full by the end of Term 3. Alternatively, you can pay in equal instalments over 12 months from January to December.
Family Fee Assistance Scheme
Families that have a means tested Centrelink or Veteran Affairs concession card are eligible to apply for the Family Fee Assistance Scheme. This allows for a significant reduction of your school fees. Application forms are available from the school office.
CSEF Assistance
This is a government assistance scheme for families with an eligible Health Care Card. Applications are available at the office.
Conveyance Allowance
Victorian Conveyance Allowance is available for children who reside in Victoria and are more than 4.8 kilometres from the nearest free school bus service. Please call at office to complete an application form.
Terms of Payment for School Fees Accounts
Fees can be paid in one lump sum, by term, monthly, fortnightly or weekly. At the beginning of the year you are asked to nominate a payment frequency eg. Weekly, fortnightly, per term. If no payment mode is nominated it will be presumed that you will pay by the end of term 3, Friday 17th September.
There are numerous options available to pay your school fee account. Money can be received via:
- Cash, Cheque or Credit Card at school office
- Direct Credit to our account from your bank.
- Centrepay-Centrelink can deduct school fee payments prior to paying you Centrelink.
We would ask that you consider all the payment options available to you and make a commitment to one of them.
Fees per Family (per annum)
Family fee - $1000.00
Capital fee -$150.00
Fees per Student (per annum)
Tuition Fee - $150.00
Swimming - $60.00
Excursion -$65.00
Camp Fees per Student
Year 2, Sleepover $20.00
Year 3 & 4, Phillip Island - $390
Year 5 & 6, Canberra - $460
Additional Fees
Sacramental Program
$25.00 per student
This fee is for Catholic children who participate in the Sacraments.
Please contact Heather at the school office if you would like to set up a payment plan for 2021. For families who already have one in place this will continue in 2021.
Community News
Gippsland Netball Clinic
With Kate Moloney (Vixens P/Ship Captain) & Lara Dunkley (Firebirds)
Please read the articles below:
No Interest Loan For Back To School Needs
No Interest Loan For Things You Need Now
Yarram Combined Churches Cordially Invite You to Our
Annual Christmas Carol Service
Sunday 13th December from 12pm
on the lawns of St Andrew's Uniting Church
BYO your picnic lunch and a chair or picnic rug. Come over for fellowship and lunch after your service has finished, we will then be combining for our Annual Carols Service that is usually held at the Regent.
It will be a relaxed and casual affair with singing of well-known songs and the reading of the gospel account of Christmas. We will also have some activities for the children.