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Dear Parents and Friends of St Mary’s,
The Grade Three to Six students participated in the Yarram and District Cross Country at the Yarram Golf course today, and it was wonderful to see the commitment and willingness of all the students to have a go at the course. We have nine students moving onto the SSV Wellington Division Cross Country on Monday, May 23rd. We wish them all the best as they take on this next challenge, and we look forward to celebrating their achievements.
It has been terrific participating in the learning throughout the school and listening to class discussions. Our Whole School Integrated topic is “Our Parliamentary System”, which coincides with the State Election this weekend. The students have been learning about parliamentary processes, democratic rules and expectations and who holds leadership positions and their responsibilities.
We will be holding a sausage sizzle on Saturday, May 21st, from 8 am to 2 pm in the Mary MacKillop car park; all money raised will go to our Little Learners Love literacy Systematic Phonics Program. If you can volunteer an hour to help out over the day, please contact the front office.
Kind Regards,
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
16th | 17th | 18th |
19th Yarram and District Cross Country: Grades 3-6 |
20th Hot Lunch Day - Orders to be in by 9:00 Walk safely to school day - meet at Yarram Memorial Park @ 8:15 |
23rd |
24th Responsible Pet Ownership Visit - 10:15 -10:55 |
25th |
26th National Sorry Day |
27th Hot Lunch Day - Orders to be in by 9:00 |
30th | 31st |
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
1st | 2nd |
3rd Hot Lunch Day - Orders to be in by 9:00 |
6th Philip Green - Ugly Bugs and Mini Beasts Performance | 7th | 8th | 9th |
10th Hot Lunch Day - Orders to be in by 9:00 |
13th | 14th | 15th | 16th |
17th Hot Lunch Day - Orders to be in by 9:00 Winter Sports: Grades 3-6 |
20th | 21st | 22nd |
23rd Last day for Students
24th End of Term Two. Term Three begins on July 11th. |

We are very excited to introduce a new online resource to help us all navigate the complex and challenging paths of parenting, friendships and personal well-being through the constant barrage of information from the outside world.
School TV contains atricles and videos on a multitude of key topics, each providing an in-depth analysis and delivered in an interesting format.
From articles, fact sheets and apps, videos, book recommendations and websites to navigate, School TV promises to be a treasure trove of information that we can all benefit from.
Our little ones are learning all about 2-D shapes. That is an impressive crane, Jasper!

Religion News: Peace
A reading from the Gospel of John
Jesus said, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”
What did Jesus mean?
Rather than greeting one another with a handshake, Hebrew men at the time of Christ welcomed or parted ways with the words, “Shalom, shalom” —which means peace. But Jesus didn’t say “Peace,” but said “My peace, I give you.”
Jesus lived a life of peace, and was offering his followers peace in at least three specific areas.
Peace with God, Peace within themselves and Peace with others.
This was a reminder of his love and encouragement for us all to live a peaceful life with others and love each other.
Our Grades Five and Six students have prepared a beautiful Liturgy on Peace which will be celebrated with the whole school tomorrow.
Kind Regards,
Sue Benc
Congratulations to all our Grade 3-6 students who participated in the Yarram and District Cross Country this morning.
Well done to all our winners, Tate, Lyla, Olivia, Hudson, Breanna, Lars, Max, Arlin and Jikaya who will be representing our school at the SSV Wellington Division on Monday, 23rd May 20-22. Permission notes have been sent home for them, please have them signed and returned to the shcool tomorrow.
Thank you to the parents who came to support and volunteer. Your help was greatly appreciated.